Sand Fox Repo
This is a private Composer repository.
To use it, you have to add this repository to your composer.json
Add this Composer
repository to your project's composer.json
file, then you can require these private packages just like you would with
one from Packagist.
{ "repositories": [{ "type": "composer", "url": "" }] }
Click on an individual package's release version to get a snippet of code for your project's dependencies.
Read more on how to handle composer private packages.
Configurable arithmetic parser and interpreter
BitTorrent's Bencode encoder/decoder
License management plugin for Composer
Generate a GraphViz representation of the dependency graph
CLI menu for Symfony Console
Date class for PHP (without time)
Doctrine support for arokettu/date
DateTime rounding helper
CLI File Encryptor
IP address and block classes for PHP
Doctrine support for arokettu/ip-address
Future compatible is_resource() and get_resource_type() that can understand objects that replaced earlier resources
A metric formatter for PHP
MonsterID is a method to generate a unique monster image based upon a certain identifier (IP address, email address, whatever). It can be used to automatically provide personal avatar images in blog comments or other community services.
Path manipulation library
PGP Word List Encoder/Decoder
Export PhpStorm Advanced Metadata from DI containers
Simple and fast methods to read private properties and call private methods
Generate pseudo locale string for unicode testing and marking missing strings
Random Extension Polyfill for PHP
RFC 1751 Encoder/Decoder
The smallest PSR-20 implementation (PHP 7.0 and later)
A class to work with torrent files
CLI tool to manipulate torrent files
Fixed length unsigned arithmetic emulation
UUID and ULID classes
A personal code standard for CodeSniffer
This Composer repository is powered by Satis